Professional Development

7 products

With decades of service to school systems, Writing by Design recognizes the limitations to professional development time and funding. As such, we have adapted to the same by providing the following:

No cost online Program Orientation: 53 minutes, viewable anytime

No cost Demonstration Lessons, TK-8 – Show easy lesson delivery for each grade level

No cost remote introduction of the online Program Orientation followed by live Q&A

No cost daily customer support by experienced Writing by Design teachers and coach

At the same time, we know that professional development plays a critical role in successfully implementing new educational programs. It equips teachers with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to effectively integrate new approaches into their teaching practices. This is particularly important as most teacher credentialing programs do not provide training in how to teach writing. To address this, we provide the following professional development options:

Remote and in-person Program Orientation workshops with differentiated break-out sessions for grade and/or department-level cohorts

Remote and in-person workshops for administrators and TOSAs for guidance in their role as instructional leaders and support strategies for curriculum implementation

In-person coaching with the delivery of Writing by Design lessons in designated classrooms followed by grade-level or department-level collaboration and planning

Grade and/or department-level data analysis and planning workshops

Professional development customized to school and district needs, e.g. dual immersion and special education instruction

 Our mission is to empower school systems to advance writing proficiency with proven-effective curricula and support systems.

Please let us know if you would like to schedule a Zoom meeting to collaborate on how we can support you.